• February 20, 2025

3 Awesome Vectorized Car

Looking at other designers’ work can bring a new wave of creativity and inspiration. For today’s inspiration, we have put together a draw-dropping collection of creative car vectors for you. These vector designs are so realistic and amazing that you will fall in love with them instantly. Creating a good vector car design requires loads…

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Radio sound packs

It was one of the worst storms to hit London since God knows when. The thunder rolled, lightning flashed and the rain hammered into the roof. There’s something about a storm that brings a sense of doom. It fitted so perfectly. When the ITV news flash sign came on the TV screen everyone looked up.…

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Winters trees vectorized for Photoshop

For the ribbon-cutting at the Washington Heights Library this month, the son of a former custodian returned to his old home. He grew up in what used to be the caretaker’s apartment on the third floor. While his father shoveled coal at night to heat the place, he would go downstairs to read about boat…

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Animals vectors

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic…

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Vectorized Old Radio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ligula quam, dictum faucibus lorem a, euismod feugiat ante. Nunc ornare aliquet blandit. In ullamcorper aliquet ipsum, sit amet sagittis justo consectetur in. Nulla vel bibendum enim. Praesent ipsum velit, suscipit eu consequat eget, volutpat non neque. Morbi lorem tellus, dapibus quis imperdiet nec, imperdiet vitae…

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Hemingway's Six-Toed Cats Brave Out Hurricane Irma

Hemingway’s Six-Toed Cats Brave Out Hurricane Irma

Jacque Sands, the general manager of the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum told the newspaper that the house was not severely damaged by the cyclone, and that the museum’s 10 staffers and the dozens of polydactyl felines that populate the property are safe and accounted for. The museum’s staff made headlines after announcing that they…

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Hurricane Irma-Themed Cakes Are A Thing

Hurricane Irma-Themed Cakes Are A Thing

With several major Hurricanes already this season, many parts of the US are completely devastated. But that has not stopped Floridians preparing to take on Hurricane Irma by eating cake. Dozens of images of hurricane-themed baked goods have begun popping up on social media this week, with several being spotted at various Publix locations, a…

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"Zombie Dogs" Roaming Chicago Neighborhood

“Zombie Dogs” Roaming Chicago Neighborhood

For a few weeks, the population of Chicago has been alarmed by the appearance of coyotes that go out to hunt by day. Police in Hanover Park, a suburb of Chicago, warned people to keep their pets inside the house to keep them from being attacked by “zombie dogs.” According to police, in recent weeks…

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