• March 9, 2025
Three Mississippi Teens Charged With Murder Of 6-Year-Old

Three Mississippi Teens Charged With Murder Of 6-Year-Old

Three Mississippi Teens Charged With Murder Of 6-Year-Old

Mississippi – On Thursday three teens were arrested hours after a 6-year-old boy was found shot dead in his mother’s stolen car.

According to FOX News, the Mississippi teens will be charged with capital murder.

Madison County District Attorney Michael Guest announced at a news conference that authorities plan to charge Byron McBride, D’Allen Washington and Dwan Wakefield in the death of the child.

Authorities found Kingston Frazier shot at least once in the back seat of his mother’s stolen car, which Jackson Police Cmdr. Tyree Jones said was abandoned in a muddy ditch about 15 miles north of the Kroger parking lot where he was taken.

A sheriff spokesman said:

“All they had to do is let this kid off on the side of the road, at a grocery store, at a church, anywhere else, but they chose to kill the kid.”

The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation issued an Amber Alert for Kingston at about 4:30 a.m. Thursday. The original 911 call came in at 1:37 a.m.

Kingston was inside the silver 2000 Toyota Camry in the parking lot of Kroger on Interstate 55 when someone stole the car, police said. The boy’s mother left the car running while she went inside the store, authorities said.

When they realized there was a boy in the backseat, they shot him. The carjackers then abandoned the car in a ditch, with the boy’s body in the backseat.

Kingston was scheduled to graduate from first grade on Thursday, according to the boy’s uncle, Martin Archie.

D'Allen Tyreek Washington is seen in a photo released by the Madison County Sheriff's Department in Canton, Mississippi, U.S. May 18, 2017. Madison County Seriff's Department/Handout via REUTERS 1/2leftright 2/2leftright 1/2
D’Allen Tyreek Washington is seen in a photo released by the Madison County Sheriff’s Department in Canton, Mississippi, U.S. May 18, 2017. Madison County Seriff’s Department/Handout via REUTERS

“He was so excited that was all he was talking about yesterday was his graduation today,” Archie told Jackson CBS affiliate WJTV.

“That baby hadn’t done anything to him,” Frazier’s great-aunt Velma Eddington told The Clarion-Ledger. “That baby hadn’t done nothing. They could have left that child on that backseat, asleep. They didn’t have to kill him. Those people are evil.”

The incident was caught on surveillance video, and the Honda also had been found. An alert was put out for the missing child, and relatives told WJTV they had combed the city looking for Kingston.

“This is the worst thing,” a sobbing Deanna Moore, Kingston’s aunt, told WJTV as family members wept behind her.

7 thoughts on “Three Mississippi Teens Charged With Murder Of 6-Year-Old

  1. And they SHOULD DEATH by firing squad or tourted…i been spreadin the word if you kill a child you should be sentenced to death PERIOD….everyone Google Adrian Jones
    …and then tell me what should happen to his perpetrators

  2. I don’t care how old they are, they need the death penalty. They could have left that little boy at a store somewhere. They didn’t have to kill that baby. Makes me sick.

  3. eer pressure is a bitch that gets you caught up & caught! Smdh… parents, let’s remind our children of how getting caught up can turn their whole life upside down. And, not to leave the mother out: here’s a hard lesson on responsible parenting to keep our kids safe.

  4. Their act was cruel and unwarranted. Why would they take the life of a child that had unlimited potential. They had the car; they should have taken the boy out of the car and placed on the road. Parents never leave your child in the car unattended.

  5. It’s not right when parents learn that their kid has been killed through a news conference? Isn’t there some protocal about this?

  6. From what I’ve read, at least 4 different law enforcement agencies were working this issue and local media outlets were basically reporting any rumor or speculation they heard. In the video of the press conference the police chief said something along the lines of ‘attempting to correc erroneous fact’ which were being reported.

  7. A family member of mine was involved in a trial and he committed suicide the morning the verdict was to be read. Local news outlets published it online before my family was notified and that’s how I found out. It was the worst day of my life. So no…I don’t think there’s a protocol unfortunately. My situation was awful, but I can’t imagine being a parent and learning that your child is dead at a press conference.

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